Wurzelbehandlung (Endodontie)

So erhalten wir Ihre natürliche Zahnsubstanz – trotz Entzündung

The specialist area of endodontics is all about curing diseases in the interior of the tooth. The main concern here is to save the tooth at all costs. For nothing is as valuable as the natural tooth.

Mit Fingerspitzengefühl
und Know-how

The anatomy of the roots of the tooth is very complex, and they can therefore only be treated using special instruments. Individual features of the root canal system can be examined better using an operating microscope.

Have you already undergone a root treatment? Then you will know what is involved: it requires quiet and calm as well as precision and empathy from the dentist carrying out the treatment.


Modern endodontics offer excellent options for preserving teeth even if the dental nerve is diseased or dead.

When is root treatment required?

Inflammations, which are usually caused by carious bacteria or accidents, permanently damage the pulp cavity. The result: terrible toothache. Swift root canal treatment is then required.

Ihr Zahnarzt für Steinbach: Modernste Technik und schonende Behandlung

Moderne Dental-Mikroskopie

Modern endodontics offer excellent options for preserving teeth even if the dental nerve is diseased or dead.
We use the most up-to-date dental microscopy for our examination.


Inflammatory reactions in the jawbone, which can be traced back to the pulp cavity, can be avoided with root treatment or they can be healed.

The good news

With modern technology, which has seen rapid further development in the last few years, teeth can be preserved for several years with timely and thorough treatment. And this is true for more than 90 per cent of cases. What happens when the tooth is too fragile, too loose or permanently infected? It then has to be extracted as a last resort. But don’t worry: the gap that is left can be closed with a bridge, an implant or a removable tooth prosthesis.

The course of the pain and medical history

In some cases, it may not be so simple for the patient to identify the exact site of the pain. Pain often radiates out, so that the actual focal point cannot be clearly recognised. It is possible it may not be to do with the tooth at all. Therefore, precise documentation of the course of the pain and the medical history of the patient are extremely important for the diagnosis.

Teeth that have already been root-treated with new problems arising do not automatically have to be extracted. They can be treated again with a very high success rate.


Angst vor Schmerzen bei einer Wurzelbehandlung? Erfahren Sie wie Ihnen unsere Narkosemöglichkeiten helfen können.

Die Wurzelbehandlung
auf einen Blick

The anatomy of the roots of the tooth is very complex, and they can therefore only be treated using special instruments. Individual features of the root canal system can be examined better using an operating microscope.

Have you already undergone a root treatment? Then you will know what is involved: it requires quiet and calm as well as precision and empathy from the dentist carrying out the treatment.

Our services

Unsere Extraleitsungen

Sie haben Fragen rund um das Thema Wurzelbehandlung?

You will find answers to the most frequently asked questions here.

Are a root treatment and a root canal treatment the same?

Yes. Both terms refer to the treatment of inflamed dental nerves in the root canal.

How painful is a root treatment?

Obviously, our specialists only carry out root treatment under anaesthesia, so that there is no pain as far as possible.

Why can root treatment only be carried out by specialists?

To treat dental roots successfully takes a great deal of experience, the greatest precision, extensive specialist knowledge and plenty of empathy. For the anatomy of dental roots is extremely complex. Therefore, they can only be seen, cleaned, measured and sealed with special instruments. Lateral canals are also often difficult to see and there is the danger of breaching a canal during cleaning.